Survey Form Questions

Could you support us in validating where you can see the qualification registered in the satisfaction surveys (Survey Form), sent through a Workflow, please. because we do not view a report that contains such information.

Results of surveys are stored in MySQL (Maria) database. Particular in “surveys” table.
When you create your survey form don’t forget to map answer options to respective fields in the database like the following:

We have available for you several Custom Survey Fields which can be set and used.

Next, to rerieve these values in a report you have to create a custom one. Or you can use a direct connection to the database and do whatever you like (SELECT etc.).

We currently running BP v 5.3.19, and can confirm the is a issue with the email survey result replication/storage, i have a pending ticket logged with BP.

The email survey results are not stored in the Survey table even though the ones for Voice reflect fine, on further checking i could see that these are registered in the MYSQL Config DB, the issue seems to be ability of the information in ConfigDB being replicated/summarized to the reporting DB