Notready status statistics inquiry


I have a question regarding statistics.

Is it possible to know the elapsed time for each not ready state for each agent?
This includes the not ready state created through customization.

In supervision, it seems that there is only the elapsed time of the current state.


Not in supervisor, AFAIK
One can run the Agent Time Allocation report from time to time, or schedule to email it, I guess.


I want to see the total time on the day for each agent’s each ‘not ready’ reason, but there doesn’t seem to be a way.

anyway thx :slight_smile:

I was able to customize the Agent Performance by Team report to breakout our not ready states. If you run the report for multiple days you not only get a daily, but a sum for the interval.

You do need to use Jaspersoft to make the changes, but it is possible.

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Hi, Brian

Your answer was very helpful.


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