Listen to voicemails via Admin portal

For regular recordings, we use FetchURL to insert the recording URL into the ticket. When checking the ticket, the client clicks the link and is taken directly to the Review Call Recording screen of the Admin portal. We would like to enable the same functionality for voicemails.

An alternative solution that is also totally acceptable to us would be enhancing the FetchURL block to be able to post files.

I may not be understanding the use case fully based on your description. From the sound of it you might be using some integration to a ticketing system?

Have you tried using the $(URL_SUFFIX) and creating a href link in the body of the Voicemail object email?

This href would create a hyperlink displayed as the word “here” and when clicked would open the voicemail recording and attempt to play through the agent desktop interface or ask the user to login if they are trying to access outside of the Admin or Agent Desktop.

Would look something like this.
If you prefer to listen over the phone, click here

Now, I think I understand that you aren’t wanting to use email to deliver or access the voicemail recording. You can still take the VM URL and submit it using your FetchURL block after recording the VM. Something like this: https://$(YourTenantName)/$(URL_SUFFIX)

You can find more detailed information about the $(URL_SUFFIX) variable here in the BP documentation.


This setting can be changed for the Default voicemail scenario only (see above).

The text to be sent as a message body. If the email notification contains an access link (as opposed to an audio file attachment), the link should consist of your Agent Desktop URL and variable $(URL_SUFFIX) . For example:$(URL_SUFFIX) . To insert and edit default message body text, click default .

I hope this helps!