We’d like to offer customers the ability to opt out of recording before connecting to an Agent (i.e. if they make a selection in the IVR) - is there a way to do this ?
The *(banVoiceRecording)* variable can be set to **1** or **true** (case insensitive) to ban voice recording for the entire call. This overrides all recording settings in configuration. It will also block any any attempts to enable recording manually via Agent Desktop or via desktop API methods. See also [(doNotRecord)](https://help.brightpattern.com/5.3:Scenario-builder-reference-guide/Variables#.24.28banVoiceRecording.29).
Monitoring will still be available, so we suggest you review the Contact Center settings for voice recordings and uncheck the automatically record monitored calls. Note there is also an option to ban monitoring, but should be evaluated differently since it does not allow any monitoring of the call at all.