I’m just wondering if it’s possible to add an infomation for Contact page in agent desktop? Like another field with street name or hobby for a user. We have several contacts configured so we would like to give them kinda provisional number.
Hey Claudia!
I think we can achieve something like that - with a help of custom fields.
For instance you could go to Admin Portal -> Case & Contact Management -> Custom Fields -> Contact if you want this field to be shown on Contact page. Create new field, name it. Then you have to go to the same tab (C&C Management) but Forms -> Contact. Double click the contact form used in your CC. Create a control which you’d like to have - drag and drop it from the left pane, for instance Text. Fill in all required fields and map Data field with your newly created custome field name. Click Apply. That’s all. Next go to agent desktop, re-login you agent, click any contact and notice your field. Also attaching some manuals to aid you through the process.
Thank you Dmitry!
That was really helpful. Cheers!