We have a campaign “Campaign Test” with a list “TEST Campaign Test 1.6 (Manual)”. When the list was first created the campaign ran fine, however the following day, after running a new import to the list, no records would appear to the agent assigned to the campaign.
We checked the log and new records were successfully imported so we are unsure what we are causing this. I noticed the expire records were set to “1” days so could that be we are using this incorrectly? But we ran a new import today and it still didn’t work.
When we cloned the list that is not working and enabled the cloned list, records began appearing to the agent.
Please advise
It appears that there were records remaining on the imported list but there were no dialable numbers when we had agents logged in. As a reminder, the dialable metric correlates to the currently dialable numbers whereas the records remaining simply includes records not finalized by the dialer.