Secured Payment Integration

Has anyone integrated a secure payment component with BPCC? We are seeing some examples where this might provide some operational efficiencies. There are two potential use cases;

  1. Use DTMF masking technology and speech recognition (for callers who cannot use their keypad) to provide a secure way of handling payments by phone.

  2. IVR Payments solution empowers your customers to make payments 24/7 without speaking with an agent or accessing a website.

Thinking about this from an omnichannel perspective, An ideal solution would also support the ability to provide secure payment options via digital engagement channels such as Web-chat, Whatsapp, Social Media, Email and SMS.

There are a couple of examples in the market place, PCI Pal ( and SecureCo (, which happens to be the one that we use for a ttec client in Australia (they are using a different ACD solution). I have also come across a couple of videos that might be helpful;

First video is the demand the Secureco solution is based on…
Semafone - How it works - YouTube

This one is a recording of the agent/customer experience as they process a transaction securely…


We built a voice module that is incorporated with a payment processor. We elected DTMF on the first build for simplicity. Ours fits your first scenario. In our case a Zendesk application initiates the transfer via the BP API to the IVR and disconnects the agent. BP places the agent in a not ready state. When the credit card flow is finished the call is returned to the agent. (if the agent is not there it goes to queue on priority )

Automated scenarios like you mention are next up on the list - whether payments or credits. These will be created with a combination of NL and DTMF.

Looked at Chat and SMS, however no plans at the moment to implement.

hopefully that provides some info?