We are looking at building some reports in our Power BI platform and need your help in identifying a couple of fields.
Total Working Time (Agents)
Pre-calculated field found in agent_performance
total_working_time BIGINT Total time that the agent spent handling calls or being ready to handle calls during the aggregation interval (the sum of times in Talk, Hold, After-Call Work and Ready states)
Calls Offered
Pre-calculated field found in agent_performance - num_calls_in
|num_calls_in|BIGINT|For voice, num_calls_in specifies the number of inbound calls offered to the agent.
For email, it specifies the number of emails that were pushed to the agent.
Calls Answered(Handle)
Pre-calculated field found in agent_performance - num_calls_answered
|num_calls_answered|BIGINT|For voice, num_calls_answered specifies the number of inbound calls handled by the agent.
For email, it specifies the total number of inbound emails processed by the agent in any manner (replied to, closed without reply, or transferred).
@jeneva.meares , open the .jrxml file using notepad++, the query used to pull data from BP database is within the , for the field generated/summarized from the fields retrieved from DB you will get this listed under , here you will see what is being sum, avg e.t.c, i would still advise you make use of JasperStudio to view the reports formatting but the above should help if you want to do without jasperStudio.
The above approach i have found to be easiest to migrate any of the BP reports to clients BI platforms.