How can I import a customized wallboard in grafana?

I created a wallboard in grafana and tried to import it into Brightpattern’s wallboard, but the login window keeps popping up.

Permissions in my account include Access Realtime Stats API, Customize Wallboards, Push/Pull Global Wallboards.

Is it correct to import the wallboard customized in grafana as a json file?

Hello @fletcherR -

Grafana is not our product. I would recommend that you check with grafana’s support to see what is possible from their end.

If however you need to build a wallboard with Brightpattern, I would recommend you use our wallboard builder. Here is a link to some information that you might find useful to do that.

I hope this helps!

Thank you,

@fletcherR : I might be able to help here. We create custom wallboards for bright pattern for our customers and those might be relevant to you.; connect through if you like.

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