Voice Service Level Calculations


Is there a way for BP voice service to be configured to use specific service level formula?, from what i can see BP calculates voice service level based on formula ($F{calls_answered}/ $F{calls_received})

For clients that might different service level variations per service/queue how does the platform cater for such a setup instead of being pushed to the global formula?

Examples of Call Centre Service Levels Formulas that might be considered for selection:

  • Calls Handled Within Service Level/Offered

  • Calls Handled Within Service Level/Handled Calls

*(Calls Handled Within Service Level+Short Abandoned Calls)/Offered



The formula is hardcoded, although you may use any other formula if you build a custom report from historical call detail table.

BPCC uses (count of calls handled within threshold)/(count of all answered calls + abandoned calls after threshold). We use ICMI guidance that all calls abandoned before the threshold are short-abandoned (as the caller does not offer you the chance to service them).


Hi Sergey,

Thanks for the information, the SLA you mentioned is the one we also recommend to new clients, for the sale reason you mentioned on abandoned by callers before within thresholds,

What we get difficulty with is clients we migrating to BP from other contact centre as that might not be standard for them hence current workaround for custom reports developments,

Maybe BP can include different service levels metrics on their reports drag-drop options e.g Svl1, Svl2, Svl3, the client can then just build the report on the front end and drag, drop the Svl of choice to report.


Meli, you could post suggestion here Feature ideas, comments and votes - Bright Pattern Community

Best regards

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Thanks Sergey, i will propose to the team