Bp_session_id in URL messing up screen pops with Dynamics and perhaps other systems

Posting code again, so I will know where to find this snippet :slight_smile: :

The additional parameters bp_session_id and so on, added to the web screen pop URL, are needed for the old client API. Dynamics does not like them in its URLs.

What can be done is output HTML that would, in turn, make a clean pop :

pop the following code as “Display text” in Web Screen Pop block:

<a id="main_pop" href="$(your_url)">Screen pop</a>

the above also lets you to display multiple URLs, and pop them on click by agent however many times:

<li><a id="main_pop" href="$(your_url0)">Screen pop 0</a></li>
<li><a id="pop1" href="$(your_url1)">Screen pop 1</a></li>
<li><a id="pop2" href="$(your_url2)">Screen pop 2</a></li>

to pop in yet another window:

<a id="main_pop" target="_blank" href="$(your_url)">Screen pop</a>

and if you would like the pop to be automatic, in the same window:

<a id="main_pop" href="$(your_url)">Screen pop</a>