Anyone using AWS SSO to log into BP

Its not supported but it is
SAML 2.0 just having no luck getting it work. I set up the mappings to match AD . obviously mapping to aws fields.

We don’t, but I can tell you for a fact that AWS SSO is twitchy; at best. I mean I’m sure BP support will help any way they can and yeah they support SAML 2.0 but AWS sorta hacked and rehashed their own version of the whole thing.

I suppose you can try and get Amazon support involved but you’ll have to escalate the heck out of it. My experience with AWS support is that unless you know someone on the inside, you have to keep poking them until you get someone that actually knows what they are doing.

That’s just me though.

Stackoverflow has a bunch of postings from people trying to get it to work with other applications and either it just breaks, or doesn’t work very well to begin with. Might be a good resource for doing some research

Thanks I was able to make it work. :slight_smile: