Has anyone attempted to do anything with Facebook Posts being actionable?
For example:Customers can post their comments on a customer fb page. If the customer post something which requires an action from our operations team then Agent acknowledge the message on post. Agent then send Personal Message to Customer seeking details of their concerns.
I figure it would take a level of AI to help with this however, curious to see if anyone else might be requesting this?
We have had the same requirement in multiple customers, even when we comment that replies to posts should be handled by a different person than an “Agent” profile, Customers are insisting in having Agents replying as fast as possible or being able to take actions based on a comment or post from a Customer.
Open a PER for this on the BP side and included the following use case;
Customers can post their comments on a customer fb page. If the customer post something which requires an action from our operations team then Agent acknowledge the message on post. Agent then send Personal Message, using facebook messenger, to Customer seeking details of/responding to their concerns.
In theory, this would be a workflow, similar to how email is handled today (cases, reporting, etc.), that would leverage team/personal queues and a push (or pull) methodology for the inbound traffic.
While an MVP might limit responses to facebook messenger replies; it could be ideal that known customers might be emailed, called, or sent an SMS message to address the concern.